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Suppression of early hematogenous dissemination of human breast cancer cells to bone marrow by retinoic acid induced 2 Werner S, Brors B, Eick J, Marques E, Pogenberg V, Parret A, Kemming D, Wood A, Edgren H, Neubauer H, Streichert T, Riethdorf S, Bedi U, Baccelli I, Jücker M, Eils R, Fehm T, Trumpp A, Johnsen S, Klefstrom J, Wilmanns M, Müller V, Pantel K, Wikman-Kocher H CANCER DISCOV.

Targeted Therapies in Breast Cancer: New Approaches and Old Challenges Witzel I, Müller V BREAST CARE. A Systematic Model Specification Procedure for an Illness-Death Model without Recovery zu Eulenburg C, Mahner S, Woelber L, Wegscheider K PLOS ONE.

Monitoring in metastatic breast cancer: is imaging outdated in the era of circulating tumor cells? Alunni-Fabbroni M, Müller V, Fehm T, Janni W, Rack B BREAST CARE. Ambivalent role of pFAK-Y in serous ovarian cancer-a study of the OVCAD consortium Aust S, Auer K, Bachmayr-Heyda A, Denkert C, Sehouli J, Braicu I, Mahner S, Lambrechts S, Vergote I, Grimm C, Horvat R, Castillo-Tong D, Zeillinger R, Pils D MOL CANCER.

Psychosomatische Aspekte des chronischen Unterbauchschmerzsyndroms: Psychometrische Ergebnisse der Pilotphase einer interdisziplinären Sprechstunde Brünahl C, Riegel B, Höink J, Kutup A, Eichelberg E, Löwe B SCHMERZ.

Bedeutung von Mikronährstoffen bei Kinderwunsch, in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit Bühling K Hebamme. Sexuelle Probleme während und nach der Schwangerschaft Bühling K Gynäkologe. Contraceptive counselling and self-prescription of contraceptives of German gynaecologists: results of a nationwide survey Buhling K, Klovekorn L, Daniels B, Studnitz F, zu Eulenburg C, Mueck A EUR J CONTRACEP REPR.

The effect of micronutrient supplements on male fertility Buhling K, Laakmann E CURR OPIN OBSTET GYN. Loss of ALCAM expression is linked to adverse phenotype and poor prognosis in breast cancer: a TMA-based immunohistochemical study on 2, breast cancer patients Burandt E, Bari Noubar T, Lebeau A, Minner S, Burdelski C, Jänicke F, Müller V, Terracciano L, Simon R, Sauter G, Wilczak W, Lebok P ONCOL REP.

L1CAM is expressed in triple-negative breast cancers and is inversely correlated with androgen receptor Doberstein K, Milde-Langosch K, Bretz N, Schirmer U, Harari A, Witzel I, Ben-Arie A, Hubalek M, Müller-Holzner E, Reinold S, Zeimet A, Altevogt P, Fogel M BMC CANCER.

Clinical management of epithelial ovarian cancer during pregnancy Grimm D, Woelber L, Trillsch F, Keller-v. Amsberg G, Mahner S EUR J CANCER. Prävention von Nozebo-Effekten in der endokrinen Therapie Heisig S, Shedden Mora M, von Blanckenburg P, Schuricht F, Witzel I, Rief W, Albert U, Nestoriuc Y Frauenarzt.

Circulating cell-free cancer-testis MAGE-A RNA, BORIS RNA, let-7b and miR in the blood of patients with breast cancer and benign breast diseases Joosse S, Müller V, Steinbach B, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H BRIT J CANCER.

Control of dataset bias in combined Affymetrix cohorts of triple negative breast cancer Karn T, Rody A, Müller V, Schmidt M, Becker S, Holtrich U, Pusztai L Genomics Data. Quality of life as a primary endpoint in ovarian cancer trials Mahner S, Burges A LANCET ONCOL. Surgery or topical therapy for vulval intraepithelial neoplasia Mahner S, Wölber L LANCET ONCOL. Prognostic relevance of glycosylation-associated genes in breast cancer Milde-Langosch K, Karn T, Schmidt M, Zu Eulenburg C, Oliveira Ferrer L, Wirtz R, Schumacher U, Witzel I, Schütze D, Müller V BREAST CANCER RES TR.

Changes in serum levels of miR, miR, and miR in HER2-positive breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy: a translational research project within the Geparquinto trial Müller V, Gade S, Steinbach B, Loibl S, von Minckwitz G, Untch M, Schwedler K, Lübbe K, Schem C, Fasching P, Mau C, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H BREAST CANCER RES TR. Augenärztliche Kontrolle vor Tamoxifengabe Müller V, Keserü M Gynäkologische Praxis. Patients' preferences for subcutaneous trastuzumab versus conventional intravenous infusion for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of patients in the international, randomized, two-cohort PrefHer study Pivot X, Gligorov J, Müller V, Curigliano G, Knoop A, Verma S, Jenkins V, Scotto N, Osborne S, Fallowfield L ANN ONCOL.

Knochen als Rückzugsort für "dormant cells" Rack B, Müller V, Fehm T, Pestka A, Kasemir-Baur S, Friese K, Janni W Gynäkologe. BRCA1 gene promoter methylation status in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients - A study of the tumour Bank ovarian cancer TOC and ovarian cancer diagnosis consortium OVCAD Ruscito I, Dimitrova D, Vasconcelos I, Gellhaus K, Schwachula T, Bellati F, Zeillinger R, Benedetti-Panici P, Vergote I, Mahner S, Cacsire-Tong D, Concin N, Darb-Esfahani S, Lambrechts S, Sehouli J, Olek S, Braicu E EUR J CANCER.

OPG and PgR show similar cohort-specific effects as prognostic factors in ER positive breast cancer Sänger N, Ruckhäberle E, Bianchini G, Heinrich T, Milde-Langosch K, Müller V, Rody A, Solomayer E, Fehm T, Holtrich U, Becker S, Karn T MOL ONCOL. Sources of meaning in cancer patients - influences on global meaning, anxiety and depression in a longitudinal study Scheffold K, Low carb high fat diät rezepte ukulele A, Müller V, Koch-Gromus U, Härter M, Vehling S EUR J CANCER CARE.

Aktuelles zur Therapie des Ovarialkarzinoms Schmalfeldt B Tumorzentrum München Jahrbuch München: Agileum Verlag und Gesundheitsakademie GmbH. Manual Maligne Ovarialtumoren. Schmalfeldt B Age-dependent differences in borderline ovarian tumours BOT regarding clinical characteristics and outcome: results from a sub-analysis of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynaekologische Onkologie AGO ROBOT study Trillsch F, Mahner S, Woelber L, Vettorazzi E, Reuss A, Ewald-Riegler N, de Gregorio N, Fotopoulou C, Schmalfeldt B, Burges A, Hilpert F, Fehm T, Meier W, Hillemanns P, Hanker L, Hasenburg A, Strauss H, Hellriegel M, Wimberger P, Baumann K, Keyver-Paik M, Canzler U, Wollschlaeger K, Forner D, Pfisterer J, Schroeder W, Muenstedt K, Richter B, Kommoss F, Hauptmann S, du Bois A ANN ONCOL.

Role of urokinase plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor mRNA expression as prognostic factors in molecular subtypes of breast cancer Witzel I, Milde-Langosch K, Schmidt M, Karn T, Becker S, Wirtz R, Rody A, Laakmann E, Schütze D, Jänicke F, Müller V ONCO TARGETS THER.

Long-term tumor remission under trastuzumab treatment for HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer - results from the HER-OS patient registry Witzel I, Müller V, Abenhardt W, Kaufmann M, Schoenegg W, Schneeweis A, Jänicke F BMC CANCER.

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Heterogeneity of estrogen receptor expression in circulating tumor cells from metastatic breast cancer patients Babayan A, Hannemann J, Spötter J, Müller V, Pantel K, Joosse S PLOS ONE. Clinical application of circulating tumor cells in breast cancer: overview of the current interventional trials.

Preoperative HE4 expression in plasma predicts surgical outcome in primary ovarian cancer patients: results from the OVCAD study Braicu E, Fotopoulou C, Van Gorp T, Richter R, Chekerov R, Hall C, Butz H, Castillo-Tong D, Mahner S, Zeillinger R, Concin N, Vergote I, Sehouli J GYNECOL ONCOL.

Attitude of German women towards hormone therapy: results of a lay survey. The effect of micronutrient supplements on female fertility. Bühling K, Grajecki D CURR OPIN OBSTET GYN. Prognostic relevance of AIB1 NCoA3 amplification and overexpression in breast cancer.

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Burandt E, Jens G, Holst F, Jänicke F, Müller V, Quaas A, Choschzick M, Wilczak W, Terracciano L, Simon R, Sauter G, Lebeau A BREAST CANCER RES TR. Outcome and clinical management of patients with advanced ovarian cancer International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology II to IV inside the European Ovarian Cancer Translational Research Consortium-OVCAD Chekerov R, Braicu I, Castillo-Tong D, Richter R, Cadron I, Mahner S, Woelber L, Marth C, Van Gorp T, Speiser P, Zeillinger R, Vergote I, Sehouli J INT J GYNECOL CANCER.

Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup GCIG endometrial cancer clinical trials planning meeting: taking endometrial cancer trials into the translational era Creutzberg C, Kitchener H, Birrer M, Landoni F, Lu K, Powell M, Aghajanian C, Edmondson R, Goodfellow P, Quinn M, Salvesen H, Thomas G INT J GYNECOL CANCER.

Influence of L1-CAM expression of breast cancer cells on adhesion to endothelial cells. Dippel V, Milde-Langosch K, Wicklein D, Schumacher U, Altevogt P, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Jänicke F, Schröder C J CANCER RES CLIN.

Gastropleural fistula in a patient with recurrent ovarian cancer receiving combination therapy with Carboplatin, gemcitabine, and bevacizumab Dohrmann T, Kutup A, Mahner S, Müller V, Jänicke F, Izbicki J, Vashist Y J CLIN ONCOL. Borderline tumours of the ovary: A cohort study of the Arbeitsgmeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie AGO Study Group du Bois A, Ewald-Riegler N, de Gregorio N, Reuss A, Mahner S, Fotopoulou C, Kommoss F, Schmalfeldt B, Hilpert F, Fehm T, Burges A, Meier W, Hillemanns P, Hanker L, Hasenburg A, Strauss H, Hellriegel M, Wimberger P, Keyver-Paik M, Baumann K, Canzler U, Wollschlaeger K, Forner D, Pfisterer J, Schröder W, Münstedt K, Richter B, Kommoss S, Hauptmann S EUR J CANCER.

The prognostic significance of Jun transcription factors in ovarian cancer Eckhoff K, Flurschütz R, Trillsch F, Mahner S, Jänicke F, Milde-Langosch K J CANCER RES CLIN.

The gene recurrence score assay impacts adjuvant therapy recommendations for ER-positive, node-negative and node-positive early breast cancer resulting in a risk-adapted change in chemotherapy use. Eiermann W, Rezai M, Kümmel S, Kühn T, Warm M, Friedrichs K, Schneeweiss A, Markmann S, Eggemann H, Hilfrich J, Jackisch C, Witzel I, Eidtmann H, Bachinger A, Hell S, Blohmer J ANN ONCOL.

Zirkulierende Tumorzellen in der Diagnose und Therapie des Mammakarzinoms Fehm T, Hartkopf A, Janni W, Solomayer E, Rack B, Müller V BREAST Low carb high fat diät rezepte ukulele. Value of tertiary cytoreductive surgery in epithelial ovarian cancer: an international multicenter evaluation.

Fotopoulou C, Zang R, Gultekin M, Cibula D, Ayhan A, Liu D, Richter R, Braicu I, Mahner S, Harter P, Trillsch F, Kumar S, Peiretti M, Dowdy S, Maggioni A, Trope C, Sehouli J ANN SURG ONCOL. HER2 Dimerization Inhibitor Pertuzumab - Mode of Action and Clinical Data in Breast Cancer Harbeck N, Beckmann M, Rody A, Schneeweiss A, Müller V, Fehm T, Marschner N, Gluz O, Schrader I, Heinrich G, Untch M, Jackisch C BREAST CARE.

AGO Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer: Update Harbeck N, Scharl A, Thomssen C, Müller V BREAST CARE. Surgical intervention in relapsed ovarian cancer is beneficial: pro Harter P, Heitz F, Mahner S, Hilpert F, du Bois A ANN ONCOL. Therapeutic potential of the poly ADP-ribose polymerase inhibitor rucaparib for the treatment of sporadic human ovarian cancer Henningsen M, zu Eulenburg C, Kolarova T, Qi J, Manivong K, Chalukya M, Dering J, Anderson L, Ginther C, Meuter A, Winterhoff B, Jones S, Velculescu V, Venkatesan N, Rong H, Dandekar S, Udar N, Jänicke F, Los G, Slamon D, Konecny G MOL CANCER THER.

The time interval from surgery to start of chemotherapy significantly impacts prognosis in patients with advanced serous ovarian carcinoma - analysis of patient data in the prospective OVCAD study Hofstetter G, Concin N, Braicu I, Chekerov R, Sehouli J, Cadron I, Van Gorp T, Trillsch F, Mahner S, Ulmer H, Grimm C, Castillo-Tong D, Zeillinger R, Zeimet A, Vergote I GYNECOL ONCOL. Frequent genetic alterations in EGFR- and HER2-driven pathways in breast cancer brain metastases Hohensee I, Lamszus K, Riethdorf S, Meyer-Staeckling S, Glatzel M, Matschke J, Witzel I, Westphal M, Brandt B, Müller V, Pantel K, Wikman H AM J PATHOL.

Towards individualised treatment in ovarian cancer Mahner S, Pfisterer J LANCET ONCOL. Adjuvant therapy in node-positive vulvar cancer Mahner S, Trillsch F, Kock L, Rohsbach D, Petersen C, Krüll A, Harter P, Jänicke F, Woelber L EXPERT REV ANTICANC. Prognostic impact of the time interval between surgery and chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer: analysis of prospective randomised phase III trials. Mahner S, zu Eulenburg C, Staehle A, Wegscheider K, Reuss A, Pujade-Lauraine E, Harter P, Ray-Coquard I, Pfisterer J, du Bois A EUR J CANCER.

Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta serum concentrations during first-line therapy in ovarian cancer Mathey S, Graeser M, Zu Eulenburg C, Woelber L, Trillsch F, Jänicke F, Müller V, Milde-Langosch K, Mahner S ONCOLOGY.

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Plasma concentrations of the vitamin E-binding protein afamin are associated with overall and progression-free survival and platinum sensitivity in serous ovarian cancer--a study by the OVCAD consortium Melmer A, Fineder L, Lamina C, Kollerits B, Dieplinger B, Braicu I, Sehouli J, Cadron I, Vergote I, Mahner S, Zeimet A, Castillo-Tong D, Ebenbichler C, Zeillinger R, Dieplinger H GYNECOL ONCOL.

Validity of the proliferation markers Ki67, TOP2A, and RacGAP1 in molecular subgroups of breast cancer. Milde-Langosch K, Karn T, Müller V, Witzel I, Rody A, Schmidt M, Wirtz R BREAST CANCER RES TR. Variation in cell signaling protein expression may introduce sampling bias in primary epithelial ovarian cancer Mittermeyer G, Malinowsky K, Beese C, Höfler H, Schmalfeldt B, Becker K, Avril S PLOS ONE.

HER2-positive Mammakarzinome Müller V Colloqium Senologie München: Agilium Verlag und Gesundheitsakademie GmbH, Impressions from the san antonio breast cancer symposium december Müller V, Fehm T, Kümmel S, Liedtke C, Rack B, Steger G BREAST CARE. Neoadjuvante Therapie des Mammakarzinoms Müller V, Harbeck N Aktuelle Empfehlungen zur Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie früher und fortgeschrittener Mammakarzinome. Scharl A Hrsg. München: W.

Zuckschwerdt Verlag, Molecular characterization of circulating tumor cells in patients with ovarian cancer improves their prognostic significance -- a study of the OVCAD consortium Obermayr E, Castillo-Tong D, Pils D, Speiser P, Braicu I, Van Gorp T, Mahner S, Sehouli J, Vergote I, Zeillinger R GYNECOL ONCOL.

Combination therapy targeting integrins reduces glioblastoma tumor growth through antiangiogenic and direct antitumor activity and leads to activation Low carb high fat diät rezepte ukulele the pro-proliferative prolactin pathway Oliveira Ferrer L, Wellbrock J, Bartsch U, Penas E, Hauschild J, Klokow M, Bokemeyer C, Fiedler W, Schuch G MOL CANCER.

A combined blood based gene expression and plasma protein abundance signature for diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer--a study of Low carb high fat diät rezepte ukulele OVCAD consortium Pils D, Tong D, Hager G, Obermayr E, Aust S, Heinze G, Kohl M, Schuster E, Wolf A, Sehouli J, Braicu I, Vergote I, Van Gorp T, Mahner S, Concin N, Speiser P, Zeillinger R BMC CANCER. Abagovomab as maintenance therapy in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer: a phase III trial of the AGO OVAR, COGI, GINECO, and GEICO--the MIMOSA study Sabbatini P, Harter P, Scambia G, Sehouli J, Meier W, Wimberger P, Baumann K, Kurzeder C, Schmalfeldt B, Cibula D, Bidzinski M, Casado A, Martoni A, Colombo N, Holloway R, Selvaggi L, Li A, del Campo J, Cwiertka K, Pinter T, Vermorken J, Pujade-Lauraine E, Scartoni S, Bertolotti M, Simonelli C, Capriati A, Maggi C, Berek J, Pfisterer J J CLIN ONCOL.

AGO Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Early Breast Cancer: Update Scharl A, Thomssen C, Harbeck N, Müller V BREAST CARE. Aktuelles zur Diagnostik und Primärtherapie des Ovarialkarzinoms Schmalfeldt B Schwendt J, Nüssler V Hrsg.

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Prognostic relevance of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 UCH-L1 mRNA and protein expression in breast cancer patients Schröder C, Milde-Langosch K, Gebauer F, Schmid K, Müller V, Wirtz R, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Schluter H, Sauter G, Schumacher U J CANCER RES CLIN. Relevance of cellular and serum carbonic anhydrase IX in primary breast cancer Schütze D, Milde-Langosch K, Witzel I, Rody A, Karn T, Schmidt M, Choschzick M, Jänicke F, Müller V J CANCER RES CLIN.

Differences in human papillomavirus type distribution in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cervical cancer in Europe Tjalma W, Fiander A, Reich O, Powell N, Nowakowski A, Kirschner B, Koiss R, O'Leary J, Joura E, Rosenlund M, Colau B, Schledermann D, Kukk K, Damaskou V, Repanti M, Vladareanu R, Kolomiets L, Savicheva A, Shipitsyna E, Ordi J, Molijn Low carb high fat diät rezepte ukulele, Quint W, Raillard A, Rosillon D, De Souza S, Jenkins D, Holl K,Wölber L INT J CANCER.

Surgical management and perioperative morbidity of patients with primary borderline ovarian tumor BOT Trillsch F, Ruetzel J, Herwig U, Doerste U, Woelber L, Grimm D, Choschzick M, Jänicke F, Mahner S J OVARIAN RES.

Treatment reality in elderly patients with advanced ovarian cancer: a prospective analysis of the OVCAD consortium Trillsch F, Woelber L, zu Eulenburg C, Braicu I, Lambrechts S, Chekerov R, van Nieuwenhuysen E, Speiser P, Zeimet A, Castillo-Tong D, Concin N, Zeillinger R, Vergote I, Mahner S, Sehouli J J OVARIAN RES. German adjuvant intergroup node-positive study: a phase III trial to compare oral ibandronate versus observation in patients with high-risk early breast cancer von Minckwitz G, Möbus V, Schneeweiss A, Huober J, Thomssen C, Untch M, Jackisch C, Diel I, Elling D, Conrad B, Kreienberg R, Müller V, Lück H, Bauerfeind I, Clemens M, Schmidt M, Noeding S, Forstbauer H, Barinoff J, Belau A, Nekljudova V, Harbeck N, Loibl S J CLIN ONCOL.

Ki67 measured after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for primary breast cancer von Minckwitz G, Schmitt W, Loibl S, Müller B, Blohmer J, Sinn B, Eidtmann H, Eiermann W, Gerber B, Tesch H, Hilfrich J, Huober J, Fehm T, Barinoff J, Rüdiger T, Erbstoesser E, Fasching P, Karn T, Müller V, Jackisch C, Denkert C CLIN CANCER RES.

S3-Guideline on Diagnostics, Therapy and Follow-up of Malignant Ovarian Tumours: Short version 1.

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The prognostic impact of circulating tumor cells in subtypes of metastatic breast cancer. Androgen receptor expression is a predictive marker in chemotherapy-treated Low carb high fat diät rezepte ukulele with endocrine receptor-positive primary breast cancers Witzel I, Graeser M, Karn T, Schmidt M, Wirtz R, Schütze D, Rausch A, Jänicke F, Milde-Langosch K, Müller V J CANCER RES CLIN.

Management of patients with vulvar cancer: a perspective review according to tumour stage Woelber L, Trillsch F, Kock L, Grimm D, Petersen C, Choschzick M, Jänicke F, Mahner S Ther Adv Med Oncol. Secondary sentinel node biopsy after previous excision of the primary tumor in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva. Wölber L, Grimm D, Vettorazzi E, Wisotzki C, Trillsch F, Jänicke F, Schwarz J, Choschzick M, Mahner S ANN SURG ONCOL. Progression and Death as Competing Risks in Ovarian Cancer zu Eulenburg C, Mahner S, Wölber L, Wegscheider K Int J Stat Med Res.

Role of TRAP1 and estrogen receptor alpha in patients with ovarian cancer -a study of the OVCAD consortium Aust S, Bachmayr-Heyda A, Pateisky P, Tong D, Darb-Esfahani S, Denkert C, Chekerov R, Sehouli J, Mahner S, Van Gorp T, Vergote I, Speiser P, Horvat R, Zeillinger R, Pils D MOL CANCER. Histopathologic features of ovarian borderline tumors are not predictive of clinical outcome Avril S, Hahn E, Specht K, Hauptmann S, Höss C, Kiechle M, Höfler H, Schmalfeldt B GYNECOL ONCOL.

A color metaphase-based radiation assay discriminates heterozygous BRCA2 mutation carriers from controls by chromosomal radiosensitivity. Becker A, Graeser M, Landwehr C, Hilger T, Baus W, Wappenschmidt B, Meindl A, Weber R, Schmutzler R BREAST CANCER RES TR. A review of barriers and myths preventing the more widespread use of intrauterine contraception in nulliparous women. Black K, Lotke P, Bühling K, Zite N, Group I EUR J CONTRACEP REPR. Relationship between sonographically estimated fetal subcutaneous adipose tissue measurements and neonatal skinfold measurements.

Systemic bioavailability of estriol following single and repeated vaginal administration of 0. Use of hormone therapy by female gynecologists and female partners of male gynecologists in Germany 8 years after the Women's Health Initiative study: results of a survey.

Bühling K, Studnitz v, Friederike S, Zu Eulenburg C, Eulenburg C, Mueck A MENOPAUSE. Attitude of German gynecologists towards prescribing HRT before and after the WHI study. Role of cyclin D1 amplification and expression in vulvar carcinomas. Choschzick M, Hess S, Tennstedt P, Holst F, Bohlken H, Gieseking F, Mahner S, Wölber L, Simon R, Sauter G HUM PATHOL.

BIRC2 amplification in squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix. Choschzick M, Tabibzada A, Gieseking F, Wölber L, Jänicke F, Sauter G, Simon R VIRCHOWS ARCH. Ditsch N, Mayr D, Lenhard M, Strauss C, Vodermaier A, Gallwas J, Stoeckl D, Graeser M, Weissenbacher T, Friese K, Jeschke U ONCOL LETT.

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Assessment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN with colposcopic biopsy and efficacy of loop electrosurgical excision procedure LEEP. Duesing N, Schwarz J, Choschzick M, Jänicke F, Gieseking F, Issa R, Mahner S, Wölber L ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET. Carboplatin and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin versus carboplatin and paclitaxel in partially platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer patients: results from a subset analysis of the CALYPSO phase III trial Gladieff L, Ferrero A, De Rauglaudre G, Brown C, Vasey P, Reinthaller A, Pujade-Lauraine E, Reed N, Lorusso D, Siena S, Helland H, Elit L, Mahner S ANN ONCOL.

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Efficacy of Cimicifuga racemosa, Hypericum perforatum and Agnus castus in the treatment of climacteric complaints: a systematic review. Treatment of breast cancer during pregnancy: an observational study. Loibl S, Han S, von Minckwitz G, Bontenbal M, Ring A, Giermek J, Fehm T, Kristel V, Linn S, Schlehe B, Gziri M, Westenend P, Müller V, Heyns L, Rack B, Ben V, Harbeck N, Lenhard M, Halaska M, Kaufmann M, Nekljudova V, Amant F LANCET ONCOL.

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